
beijing de javu


meant to write this post right when i got back but you know how life is - it gets hectic and time flies you by without a trace of hint.



1/7 arrived; dinner @ 建外SOHO Grandma's Kitchen w/ 光 and Kes; tea w/ Shan downstairs of the Kerry Center Hotel

1/8 dinner @ 王府井東來順 w/ clients; massage @ 中關村 w/ Shan

1/9 dinner @ 日式串燒 w/ tRisty and 老趙、老桑; 參觀YYYD; 轉吧 w/ them and Shan dropped by

1/10 dinner @ 地方小吃 w/ Shan and his friend; 大柵欄胡同走三圈; Club Mix w/ Bala; home early

1/11 涮羊肉 @ 滿福樓 w/ tRisty, 老趙, 老桑; 轉吧到 Shan 來,再一起去順峰吃甜品; 光 joined

1/12 下班後看 Shan 媽媽錄節目; dinner @ 三里屯中8樓 w/ Shan, 八菜一湯一整個吃不完; 老黑的店 hang out、鹿港小鎮吃甜品; Suzie Wong 找 Bala and 光; snow party @ 老趙's, good times

1/13 late to airport, changed flights, back to Shan's to chill; dinner @ 肆號廚房 w/ tRisty's group, met 可愛的朱珠; KTV @ Melody; 老趙's to chit chit chat chat til 5 in the morning!

1/14 掙扎著起床去找 Shan 拿行李; 老趙送我們到機場 to be on our way.....

do you see a pattern there!?

i do.

yes, i see Shan EVERY DAY for the whole 8 days i was in beijing. and i love it! 其實很難想像我們已經快四年沒見面也沒甚麼聯絡,但是這次見到了、一起 spend time 了,友情有增無減,不免讓我更肯定 an old saying -「朋友還是老的好」!可愛的小王子,謝謝你這一週來的陪伴,you're the best!!!

當然更不會忘記可愛的毛,難得我們暨 2002 之後又再度開趴替,不過這次走的是溫馨家庭風路線,I LIKE!!! 也真的要謝謝你介紹老趙給我認識,讓我知道原來男人一把年紀了還可以如此這般的搞笑耍小朋友,讓我有種相見恨晚的感覺,哈哈!也因此認識了桑哥哥和溫柔可人的朱珠,當然還有那鬼迷了心竅了的轉吧!!我等著他們把它給頂下來~





"sometimes you gotta go out in order to come back."

i went out there, and now i've come back. some things i see more clearly, some maybe not.

but i'm that much happier. and i've that much more memories to cherish and reminisce now.

thank you, beijing.

thank you for never ceasing to amaze me....

thanks to all my friends, old and new. you've made this trip worth all the while.